Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Now I know

I attended a workshop about Mental illness in the schools.  I always wondered if my life would have been different if I had gotten help when I was in high school.  I learned tonight that they only help students that the mental illness interferes with school and their progress.  Since being a multiple helped me in school, they wouldn't have helped me at all.  Plus, when they do help students they lump all the emotional disability students together, predator and prey all in the same group.  I have my answers now I am wondering if I will continue the class.  I AM SO GLAD NO ONE REALIZED WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHEN I WAS A TEENAGER.


mulderfan said...

Taught a mentally challenged girl who was falling asleep in class almost every day. When I finally gained her trust she told me was being assaulted each night by her stepfather. I notified the authorities, but she was too shy to tell them what she told me, so they did nothing and the abuse continued even though I talked to her mother.

A colleague helped me track down her real father and she simply disappeared. Since her brother was in my class too, I learned that her father had shown up at the house and taken her away. I never saw her again.

That was almost forty years ago and I've never forgotten her or how badly the system let her down.

Sadly, not much has changed.


That is a scary question but also scarier as to what may have happened had you said something out's so wrong the system lets us down xoxoxox

Ruth said...

That was awesome what you did. Unfortunately, this is an example of how a system really doesn't work at making changes. People make changes. Thanks for being one of the people that make changes. (((P/M)))

Ruth said...

I agree ♥. I also realized I am still afraid if I say anything because all their talk about mental illness shouldn't be taboo, I could still loose my job if I say anything.

Shen said...

I believe things happen as they are meant to. I wasn't meant to be supported as a child. I had to find my own way and this has brought me many strengths and realizations that are beyond the reach of those who have not been forced into this kind of growth.

Had I not been forced, I would have almost certainly taken the easy road and would likely never know what I was missing. There is something special and wonderful about people who have worked at their own growth. There are places we can get to that can't be reached any other way.

I used to hear people in CoDA meetings say they had gratitude for the challenges of their childhood. It made no sense to me, at first. I thought they were just passing on the party line, saying what they thought they were supposed to say with a kind of bravado that I found distasteful.

Now I've become one of them and I see what they say for what it is - true gratitute, not for suffering, but for what is gained through suffering. It isn't something you can explain to those who have not been through it. How lucky I am to know what I know, to be who I am today.

And while we can't just hand the answers to those who are still searching, those of us who have made it through to the other side can bring hope to those who are still searching. There really is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is found in self-love. Loving yourself brings the possibility of letting other love in.

I've never felt so loved.

Ruth said...

Amazing observation Shen, thank you.

Laurel Hawkes said...

Predator and prey in the same class: IDIOCY! How sad is it to be grateful that no help was given?

Ruth said...

After talking with NewCounselor tonight, I decided to drop the workshop. I learned what I needed to know and I don't think I need to invest any more time. Thanks Laurel for you comment. It really helped in making my decision.

mulderfan said...

The right decision, Ruth!

Life's too short to waste precious time on situations that are not only upsetting but discretionary. Sometimes we HAVE to grin and bear it but this was not one of those times.

Knowing when to walk away is an act of courage and wisdom.

Love P/M

Ruth said...

Thanks P/M Hugs to you. :)