Sunday, February 23, 2014

Keyboard Courage

A friend passed this on thanks to Facebook:
"keyboard courage" New term for people who cause a healthy exchange of ideas to devolve into a personal attack! Back in the day, we thought people should put their brain in gear before they started to run their mouth. In the 21st Century maybe it should read, "Be sure to put your brain in gear before you pound on the keyboard."

I first encountered the danger of Keyboard Courage 20 years ago at a Junior high where I worked as a computer tech.  A student at the school terrorized a 6th grader in Florida.  When caught he was baffled that there was a real person that he had emailed his threats and cruelty.  I noticed it on Facebook and comments that most people would never actually say in real life but the anonymity of the keyboard unleashes thoughtless or sometimes cruel words.  So I am adding keyboard courage to my growing list of new vocabulary with trolls, Ns, and ACoNs.  Yes I received some very scathing comments.  I am thankful that one person was not available to respond to...they accused me of writing all about me.  Uuuuuuuh yea it is a personal blog so that is usually what it is about.  This is similar to an open journal where I share my journey with the hope that something I write can help someone else as either a light to follow or a great example of what NOT to do.  I don't set out to offend anyone.  I try to write what I would say.  I guess the keyboard does lend a bit of courage to my writing, too.  My goal is to be helpful but I try to make sure my brain is in gear before pounding out my thoughts....Happy Monday everyone. 


mulderfan said...

So funny, Ruth! My brother said the same thing about My blog being all about Me which made ME the narcissist. When I 1st started the blog I was writing MY truth into the ether never dreaming anyone would be interested in reading it let alone following it. IMO I was writing a letter I would never send.

Unfortunately, the anonymity of "keyboard courage" has taken bullying to a whole new level. We all knew schoolyard bullies were cowards who usually targeted those they perceived as vulnerable but those who sit at a keyboard and attack others they are unlikely to ever meet are the biggest cowards of all.

Ruth said...

Cyber Angels are around but trying to prosecute cyber bullies is difficult when the stalker/perpetrator of the crime could be anywhere in the world.