Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bullies start with small things

Bullies start young and with small name calling or little incidences.  They quickly graduate to more and crueler behaviors.  Some bully children turn into abusive bully adults. 

I decided to search the internet to see what else is already written that can give you the information needed to combat bullies in your home and school.  This is what I found:
This webpage is devoted to helping parents, students, and teachers to create a bully free zone at their schools.
Facts about bullying in schools.
This organization encourages using music to support those that are being bullied to teach students to stand up for each other. 

United States Government page with tax dollars hard at work sharing about bullying.

Types of bullying include physical, emotional, and social.

United States are not the only ones recognizing the world wide problem.

I was on the receiving end of bullying and I did it myself.  I tried to teach my children that bullying was not acceptable.  My daughter shared with me some of the extremes that she saw happening when a student was hospitalized by a bully.   The facts may give a wake up call but the reality is stepping up and standing up to bullies.  Recognizing that putting some one down does not build your self up nor make you look cool.  The toughest thing for me to recognize was how I was bullied by my own mother.  She called me names, put me down for how I looked, and used verbal insults to isolate me.  When I tried to tell I was told that I was too sensitive.  Each of these web pages share tips and ideas for stopping bullying.  Each person can make a difference.  However, fear, the don't-get-involved, or too-busy attitude hinder our ability to stopping bullying. 

Christ admonition in Matthew 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

The Golden Rule taught 2000 years ago still works today.  

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