Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Narcissistic survey

"You can't cross a sea by merely staring into the water."
- Rabindranath Tagore

Every once in a while I like to review information I have gone over before. Some people believe that is being stuck in the past. I believe that reviewing some areas that were problematic helps me to see if there is something else needing repair. Like editing a paper or checking over a dinner table for Thanksgiving, reviewing allows me to look at what I might have missed.  Healing is a messy process of mending this boundary, healing this hurt, shoring up confidence here or there and generally working on a lot of different areas.  Occasionally, I feel the need to review.  For those readers that are new to this page and wondering if there mother is a narcissistic, this is a great list of questions to consider.   

Dr. Karyl McBride wrote the book Will I Ever be Enough?  On her web page is a survey to examine if your mother is a narcissistic.  If your father is narcissistic, you may need to alter the question slightly.  http://www.willieverbegoodenough.com/is-this-your-mom/
(She also holds a Monday night chat on Facebook for those that are interested.)

I reviewed the list and felt quite pleased when my yeses have changed to "Not any more."
For example:
19. Do you feel helpless in the presence of your mother?
That used to be used to be yes....now, I say, "Not any more."

23. Do you find it difficult to be a separate person from your mother?
That used to be used to be yes....now, I say, "Not any more."

Do you get the idea?  I felt so good reading through that list and ticking off one after another saying, "Not any more."  She hasn't changed, I have.  I lost fear of losing her approval; I can't get it any way so there is nothing to lose.  I lost fear of her anger; I walk away.  I lost fear of her opinion; I recognize her distorted view.  Her distortions are her problem not mine.  I like where I am going and I don't feel like I lost anything but a bunch of useless old baggage.  I am low contact and that is working for me.  Not everyone has that option.    

I like Vanci's post too.  She shared her own vision of reviewing her progress.  I appreciate her sharing her story and admire her courage for changing her life.

No matter where you are in your journey, just learning, struggling towards healthy, or reviewing where you have come from, keeping heading for healthy.  I am feeling better about myself than I ever dreamed possible. 


Judy said...

Whoohoo! Love the "not any more."

Vanci said...

Great post, Ruth, and very useful link to the 'test.'

You said, "Her distortions are her problem not mine. I like where I am going and I don't feel like I lost anything but a bunch of useless old baggage."

That is EXACTLY how I feel, and giving up ownership of any of their feelings or baggage (which they made me carry for so long) has been the key to my life change that's brought me absolute joy.

Thanks for tellin it!


jessie said...

Lovely Ruth! I love seeing such a positive example in your story.

I also think reviewing is a wonderful tool. I find that sometimes, my memory forgets things about the process, and going over it again helps me to remember the road markers I used to get where I am.

Thanks for posting this.