I want to comment on my comments about Maria Montessori. Many people think of Montessori schools as kind of New Ageish with cool toys. Some of the Montessori schools are just old school thinking with her cool toys. What I came away with feeling about Maria Montessori was what I call student driven learning. I use it when I teach photography, Photoshop, sewing, and computers. I ask the student what do they want to learn. Montessori, from what I pulled out of what I read, believed that if we create an environment rich with opportunities to learn than students want to learn and know more. KavinCoach treated my counseling this way. Every week he would ask, "What do you want to talk about?" I think this is what attracts me to the bloggers I read, they want to learn. Much of my childhood years were in an adult directed world telling me what I must learn or I won't be a good person and make money. Sad thing was I tried to stuff myself in that triangle hole and I just never fit or wanted to fit. I sometimes wonder if I had taken the classes in high school that I wanted to take instead of the classes my parents demanded I take, how my life would be different. I tried with my own children to pay attention and see what they were interested in doing and provide ways for them to do it. I still remember talking to one son that was getting very creative with making his lunches. I asked him if he wanted to be a chef and do more cooking for dinner. Interesting how taking time to listen you learn something quite different. His answer, "No Mom, kids are stealing lunches and if I put pickles in my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, they won't steal mine." I loved learning how creatively he solved a problem at school. He did confess that he learned to like his sandwich with pickles. No, he was not interested in being a chef. We live in a world rich with opportunities to learn new perspectives. Some people go out and explore and discover and grow. Others feel threatened and pull back and hold real still and if you don't move they won't hurt you thinking. I have done both. I appreciated KavinCoach giving me the opportunity to grow in my own direction. He suggested things for me to learn but stepped back and let me try even when I would fall flat on my face, he would let me try again and again and again. I think he sometimes wondered why I kept trying but I knew in my heart that I had stood still trying not to be hurt long enough. I was in a very deep hole, took along time to get out.
Thank you everyone that has left comments this week. Due to outside draws on my attention, I haven't commented back. I do appreciate everyone that takes the time to read my blog. I started out thinking if just one other person learned something then it was worth the effort. Now I am seeing that many others are reading and I feel humbled by the interest and the many kind comments. Thanks.
Holding still doesn't always protect you from being noticed. |
Love your post today! I was a Montessori directress for a few years when I was young - I was trained in Europe and was dismayed when I got back home and realized that MOntessori, for many people, was just a way of pushing kids and making parents feel smart. But I love her methodology and used it during my years of teaching. I homeschooled my kids and when my son asked me why someone going into theater would have to take a physics course, we agreed that if he found a theater internship of some sort, he could avoid taking physics. He did, of course, and it was fun watching him grow in what he wanted to do. Everything about your post just resonated with me today - even the picture, which is delightful with the caption - thanks!!! You've brightened my day!!
I took the classes but had to hear the litany of complaints about how worthless they were...and you can imagine where my brain took me.
Dear Ruth, I've been following your "journey" since it's inception. I was on pins and needles for you when KavinCoach was leaving and that's NEVER an easy "transition" for either, believe me. But it seems to be growing as you are and I'm so grateful for that development, for you as you continue to "grow."
And now you've discovered the Montessori Method of learning I just KNOW you'll integrate this concept as adeptly-kidding, really, I have a good sense of your struggles as you've identified them so clearly-and with your usual grace and "eye" for "application" of abstract concepts into your daily life.
Which brings me to another point: Ruth, I SEE a woman who is truly informed by their faith in ACTION. There is NO "disconnect" between "Ruth-The-Person" and "Ruth the Christian." Ruth, the woman, the human being who struggles to bring the Sacred into the Secular of her daily life and LIVES IN the reality of THAT TRUTH. Despite the "discomfort" and BTW, don't cha just love these sanitized terms for a knock-down, daily battle;) Ruth, you persevere. And you continue on your own path of learning and "unlearning," of bringing your past into the present with far deeper meaning as your journey unfolds each day, or in this "world," Post by Post.
When I think of the greatness, of the often unobserved integrity of everyday people I "see" in my daily life, I think of you. I admire and respect you deeply, FWIW.
I come to your site regularly. I never comment and I hope that's OK, despite the fact I do check off the little blocks below your Post. And I want you to know your photos are breath-taking. Sometimes, when I "need" a little something simply to gaze on, to "take in" to calm my internal stuff, or simply to deeply introspect about myself, my own life, I come to your place just to look at your photos. Again.
Now when people attempt to foist their "Christian Beliefs" on me or attempt to persuade me to agree to be "drowned" ;) in their back yard swimming pools and I refuse, they snort, "Well, you're gonna burn in hell for all eternity because you don't believe in Christ!" If indeed this Christ person "loves all his creations" why oh why would he want to burn me up? Why wouldn't he "accept" ME as one of His "Beloved" unconditionally, human frailties and failings and all that entails? Why doesn't my "worship" in the Cathedral of Nature "count?" Why doesn't my DAILY wonder and marvel of all the physical beauty in which I reside "count?" They retort, "Because you've never MET a REAL CHRISTIAN!"
And now I can tell them in absolute honesty, "I HAVE." You have such qualities Ruth, God-how ever, if ever we/I conceive of such an entity-uses you often.
Thank you.
() Thanks. I figured something was lost in the translation from Europe to the United States. I am glad your son found an alternative that worked for him.
Judy, yup I have a good idea where you brain went. :)
TW, I sat and cried while I read your comment. I feel so honored by the compliment you gave me of calling me a Real Christian. In my opinion, where ever you are in the after life, I want to live in your neighborhood. I look for your comments and wisdom where ever they are. Comment or not on my posts as you feel the need. I appreciate the boxes being checked; even if I don't say anything. <3
I was a preschool teacher for awhile and I loved the idea of teaching kids in the direction they wanted to learn (and to their particular learning style). I hadn't thought about applying it to adult learning, but that is a really keen observation. I think adults, even more than children, learn better this way.
I will say though, sometimes I liked to introduce totally off the wall things to the kids to learn about too. Because, sometimes, they didn't even know that there was a particular "something" to learn about until it was introduced to them.
Jessie, I like learning new things that is why I think an enriched environment is so important. Counseling opened a whole new world that I didn't know existed. I just didn't get it all at once. :)
Ruth your post is awesome, please excuse my absence I am going to try to blog more often and read this side of the internet again. You make me smile with how you've worked hard in your life you are an inspiration♥
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