Friday, March 27, 2020

Working from home

For me working from home is just plain weird.  My job description is to assist students and teachers with whatever needs to be done to succeed.  I was stumped for a while.  I reached out to my teachers and I have a few things I can do online, but for the most part I don't have anything I can directly do to help.  I decided to use this time to improve me. 

Yup, I've been stuck for a while and this time is just what I need to focus on making some readjustments.  I am not thankful that there is a World pandemic happening.  I am thankful I still have a job and time to work on self improvement.  Integrating 5 personalities to 1 was a major shift in thinking.  However, for about the last year I felt like I was running in place.  Expending a bunch of energy but not going anywhere.  Treadmills have their place in the gym not my life.  Enter an online opportunity that I've known about for a while but afraid to try.  I decided to sign up for a web seminar specifically about changing my thinking in yet another paradigm shift. 

Paradigms are out habits of thinking our pattern we structured for our lives.  It usually takes a fairly hefty upheaval to get people to even consider changing their patterns of living.  Counseling helped me with my integration of self.  Before I started I wasn't even aware of what patterns of thinking were controlling my life.  I joke that I was in the last to know category for how I was living.  Counseling was hard work.  My therapist described the process as ripping out my entire rotting foundation and starting over.  Therapy is work.  I also gave myself my own homework assignments in addition to what my counselor asked me to do. 

After 10 years of counseling I went on my own,  for about the last 5 years, I continued my self improvement.  This past year I felt stuck.  I know how much work is involved in a paradigm shift, but I think it is time for me to take the next step in embracing thriving.

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