Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I wanted a photo to go with this blog but couldn't think of one I had taken that would convey the feeling I get from awesome reader.  I opened my iGoogle with 'Picture a day' widget and there was the picture.  It is not mine so I am posting the link:
You can use the back arrow to come back to this web page.   

One of my awesome readers shared her experience and OK'd me passing it on.  

The main commitment I had made was to run the graphics at my church. That means I attended all 3 services on the very topic that I constantly struggle with. Connecting. How does God always seem to know just what I need when I need it? It is like he has a plan or something. Anywho, after I listened to it 3 times and took ample notes (see below) I was sadly happy that I had chosen to stay. I needed this sermon...all 3 times.

The title of the sermon was Connect: How Relationships Become the Power Supply of Spiritual Growth.

Here are some key points that really stuck out to me.
One of the great causes of all our personal and emotional struggles is the lack of togetherness. 
God uses ordinary people to change other people's lives. 
The most important reason to connect is not that it solves loneliness or makes us physically healthy. The great value of connecting is that it is the place where God meets us. 
People (read: me) sometimes act like they don't need to connect but deep inside we all long for it. God has put a relational hole in our heart that NOTHING else can fill. 
I can't keep doing it to myself. You know...the disappearing and not calling people back thing. Or the not do anything with anyone for weeks at a time. That is when I get farther and farther away from God. I changed my tune on Sunday afternoon. I cancelled some plans I had with people that were not REALLY important to me and spent most of the evening at MUM's place with my family and then spent the rest of the night at D&G's so full of excitement I could hardly stand it. I really am the most lucky person in the world!

The moral of this story is don't allow yourself to get separated from those you love and care about. The reality is that they need you just as much as you need them. You never know when you are the one person that will help them with something that you, if you wouldn't have made the time, would never had known about. It might just be the time you spend together just being together. So, as my pastor ended his sermon with, pour yourself into connecting and connect deep.


Laurel Hawkes said...

Inspiring sermon.

Ruth said...

I would have liked to been there with awesome reader to hear the sermon too.

Anonymous said...

Here's the second best thing to it: The Podcast!

Ruth said...

Thank you Anonymous for making this pod cast available to fellow readers.