Monday, November 26, 2012

Celebrate Baby steps

I admire Pam Young.  I read her book from Peg Pen to Paradise years ago.  I just didn't know then that I had 5 inner kiddies and no adult running anything.  Integration came slowly one baby step at a time.  Pam Young excelled at baby stepping out of many struggles.  I don't do everything she suggests however I do believe in baby steps.  If you are complaining that your baby steps take you on a zigzag path or one step forward and two steps back think about how fun a cha-cha is, step forward and two back. 
How to do the Cha-cha

 Young@Heart by Pam Young
Make it Fun and it Will Get Done

 Have you ever noticed the only way you see change in someone is if you haven’t seen him or her in a while.  It takes a space of time to register in our minds a difference.  Young parents don’t look at their children each morning and see that they’ve gotten bigger, nor do they say to a child, “You look the same today as you did yesterday, when are you going to start changing?”  Same with ourselves; we have to see pictures from our past to register change and then it’s shocking. 
 They say change is the only constant and it’s true, but when we want to change circumstances, get the house organized, lose weight, get the finances in the black we tend to lose our patience.  We can learn to be happy with gradual change but it takes daily practice.  The sooner we can start celebrating the baby steps and enjoying right now, the easier it will be to accept gradual change.
 As a human, I hope you know “All the gifts have been given to you in order to be happy.”  You are like a little motor home, fully equipped with satellite, electricity, state of the art appliances (think about that Oster of a mouth you have), an efficient sewer system, a gazillion gig computer, a cutting edge surveillance system and the siding and trim are one of a kind!  You are self-contained and that means you have the power to change anything you desire to change and you have the wherewithal to do it. So give yourself a break and stop struggling to change!  Instead decide to take baby steps toward one goal at a time. 
 Would you really like to magically be organized, wealthy, fit and trim and happily married just by waving a magic wand?  I wouldn’t!  I have loved every minute of my journey in every one of those areas.  Today at age 68 I get to look at my life and see that by making it fun I got it done!!
 My teaching techniques start with learning to understand yourself a little better.  A great teacher Ernest Holmes espoused, “Change your thinking, change your life.”  Once we realize we have behavior to change, all we have to do is catch the thinking behind the behavior and our lives will change.   Those of you who are having fun playing with your inner child these days have discovered what I mean by teaming up with and guiding the inner child. We know that most, if not all, advertising is aimed directly at the “kid” in us: “Drive this fast car, eat this yummy sweet food, drink this beer and you’ll have so much fun!”  Once the kid is listening the rest is history.  My Inner Kiddy subscribers have awakened to what those advertisers are doing and that’s a crucial step toward success in getting organized, out of debt and losing weight.  (If you don’t buy it, you won’t eat it, have to pay for it, store it or add to your clutter.)
 Whatever the topic, my strategies and practical steps to changing unwanted behavior into positive action is based on my motto: “Make it fun and it will get done.” I am testimony to that motto.  I am a reformed slob (although I didn’t know Nelly when I got organized, I know she was there because my reason to clean up my act was to have more free time to play).  I got out from under $27,000 in credit card debt and have been debt free for seven years because I got Nelly to create and mind a budget with me.  I’ve lost 165 pounds over the course of my lifetime and am now a size eight and weigh 135.  I am also a survivor of a 15-year abusive marriage and have been happily married for 23 years because my husband is also a playful person who loves life and knows how to play. 
 Make it fun and it will get done!

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