Thursday, March 5, 2015


I started my day with my stomach refusing to let me swallow.  AWESOME not.  I knew the fish oil capsule would dissolve so no panic just annoyance.  Then one of the teachers I work with was sick, so we doubled up classes since no sub was available.  Crazy day followed by a challenging evening.  I am super tired but can't go to sleep.  Highs and lows all in a day.  Interacting with many people is so exhausting.  Now,
I am sitting here thinking that what I did today,  I wouldn't have been able to do before counseling.  Today was a benchmark day where I can look back and say, "I made so many improvements in my life."  What in your life improved?

Bees understand a day like mine. 


mulderfan said...

Borrowing a few of AA's Promises. You can Google to see the complete list.
I know a new freedom and a new happiness.
I do not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.
I comprehend the word serenity and know peace.
That feeling of uselessness and self-pity has disappeared.
My whole attitude and outlook upon life has changed.
I intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle me.

Judy said...

Past the writer's block. Still struggling with distractions... yeah, I'm here... anyway, struggling but not capitulating to defeat.