Monday, March 21, 2011

Bummer day

How do I write about overcoming depression when I find myself in the middle of a dark episode?  Then I remind myself it is less dark than before.  I read others writings that encourage me to look at the lighter side.  (In a dark space it is hard to believe in a brighter side so a lighter side is the best I can do right now.)  Over at Band Back Together a woman shares her challenges with Bipolar which includes struggling with depression.  I laughed at her idea that those that suffer from depression should really be able to turn blue like a Smurf so people would know that we are not making this up.  I think today I would be dark blue.  Check out My little black Rain Cloud.


Laurel Hawkes said...

Blue like a Smurf? LOL! Sometimes, I also want the scars from all the abuse (physical, mental, sexual, emotional) to show up, so I don't have to keep reminding myself that it really was that bad, while others keep telling me it wasn't.

Jasmine said...

LOVE the blue Smurf/depression idea. Made me smile and feel a little better. I'm battling depression, too. Sorry you're feeling blue, too. No pun intended.

Got any fun or silly plans for tomorrow? Dogs are my best anti-depressant...always goofy and up for some fun. Haven't had a dog in my life for too long now.

Hope tomorrow brings you something or someone to enjoy:)

mulderfan said...

Thanks for the link Ruth. I enjoyed her outlook on a difficult subject. My DD is permanently on medication for depression but still struggles some days.

I have what I call "down days" but the cause is usually an interaction with the Ns in my life. Guess I'm lucky that I can usually give my head head a shake and pull out of it.

Hugs, mulderfan


♥just wanted you to know I am thinking of you Ruth & hoping tomorrow is a little brighter xx

A said...

When I wrote "My Little Black Rain Cloud", my aim was to let other people with depression or bipolar know that they're not alone, that somebody out there understands.

If I'm able to reach out to just one person and help them by writing about my own personal and not very pleasant experiences, I would be a very happy bunny indeed.

Thank you for posting a link to it on your blog. It means so much to me.

Ruth said...

A - as you can see from the comments the Smurf idea is a great one.

Thanks everyone. This has brightened today. Hope everyone has some fun today.

insi said...

Thinking of you and sending my love.

Ruth said...

Thanks upsi