Saturday, August 13, 2011


Growing up when ever I heard someone was a 'Character' it was a put-down meaning they had an odd personality or an odd way of doing things.  Later in life I was introduced to 'character' as a desirable attribute.  But still wasn't too sure what it was or how to get it.  Ignored the whole thing for a long time.  Recently my sister studied honor.  Since we going walking together every week this became one of our regular topics of discussion.  Honor and positive character are tied together tightly with integrity.  My way of thinking that honor, character, and integrity are facets of the same entity healthy living.  I don't think I can be healthy and lacking character. 

This is the Free Dictionary meaning that I am interested in about character:
4. Moral or ethical strength.
5. A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities.
6. A formal written statement as to competency and dependability, given by an employer to a former employee; a recommendation.

I like all these beautiful words, moral strength, ethical, competency, and dependability, all these are far cry from the derogatory meaning I learned as a child.  "Reunited Selves" posted a beautiful post and a video with Danny De Vito about her exploration of character.  The video is worth watching if you have time.  Enjoy:


Jonsi said...

Very interesting.

Growing up, whenever I heard this phrase, "So and so is such a character!" it was never meant in a negative sense. For us, it usually meant that the person being described was unusually charismatic, full of energy, or unique/special in some way.

How sad that people in your family used it as a put-down, or with a negative connotation. It's great that you are re-establishing it's new meaning in your life.

Great food for thought.

Shen said...

I'm glad if my post had an thought-provoking impact. Thank you for giving me a credit, here on your blog.

Ruth said...

Shen, I enjoy your and appreciate you allowing me to share. :)