Saturday, November 2, 2013

Don't should on me used with permission:

Should? Will, Can, Do, Did

When Should rules the mind
No peace can we find
Doubt and indecision
attack with military precision
Should be easy.
Should be fine.
Should it?
Should have done this.
Should have said that.
Should I have?
Should know better.
Should have known.
Should I have seen this coming?
Should get moving.
Should get going.
Should I?
Let go of Should
It does no good
to fret and stew
about what was done and what to do
No more excuses
No more worry
Should is useless
Should is blurry
Make a plan
Act with purpose
Do what you can
Don’t be nervous
From time to time
we all may stumble
But stuck in Should
you just may crumble
Should is full of failure and shame
Should is weak and full of blame
Say Should no more
And in its stead
Assert your Will
to move ahead
Will be fine.
It was.
Will learn more.
Will get moving.
Will get going.
I Did?
(Should? NO!)


Thanks Roots to Blossom.

KavinCoach taught me early in my counseling that when should is being used it is someone else deciding what is right for me. I should do this or I should do that are examples of me giving my power-to-decide away to someone else. Sad thing is sometimes that should is coming from some faceless nameless entity that no one really knows. Like who says that people should wear black at a funeral.  A tradition that no one knows the beginning.  When my life was run by should, I was miserable because I could never live up to the demands of should....and should I get close someone else would shovel more should.  If I feeling shoulded on, I need to stop the flow.  I need to take back my power to decide what I will do and do it.


TR said...

It is amazing the more and more I look at the way we use words - how they are sometimes used hurtfully. When reading your post, I just got an e-mail yesterday from my brother in law, it was a simple sentence telling I should do this on Facebook. I didn't respond to it because I felt uneasy.

xx TR

Ruth said...

Hugs TR. Interesting how people will tell us what we should do. Sometimes when someone says I should do something I need to remember that occasionally they may be right but this is about choosing and using my personal power. Feeling uneasy was the first clue that his suggestion is not something that feels right to you. Ruth