Thursday, May 22, 2014


"The person you can be absolutely sure you will definitely be spending the rest of your life with is YOURSELF, so make sure you put the appropriate investment into THAT relationship!"
~ Sarah Stitcher

Finally Loving yourself

FLYlady came to my attention from Side-track Home  Executive.  She actually got her acronym from liking fly fishing and tying her own flies.  A follower dubbed that FLY stood for Finally Loving Yourself.   Flylady talks about decluttering your home and your life.  Every summer I promise myself I am finally going to declutter my house.  But I keep finding more projects to delay the dastardly deed.  Now the question is do I finally love myself enough to put the time, energy, and effort into making our house a home I can truly call home.  Flylady has great ideas but goes at a pace that livings me falling FAR FAR FAR behind.  Her 15 minutes a day to clean rapidly balloons into much longer.  I can't keep I need to modify and change my routines to fit my needs.  Not set a routine to burden me but an organized way of living that works for me.  2 months to setup a system that will work for me. 

One of the first things I am working on is a stress calendar.  A calendar marking my known stressors Thanksgiving and Mother's day.  Then block out time for preparation and recovery.  Dentist appointments are another biggy.  If I can get my visits on the calendar and prepare for them, I up my chances of getting through them.  I can map out times when I need to decrease my pressure in other areas to cope with the flux and flow of a known stressor kicking up a storm.  I can accept and prepare for the yearly time bombs. 

My sister Judy is working on another approach.  Check out on her self challenge of love her self by loving her body.

Each person wakes up with one known companion.   Am I ready to F L Y?


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