Sunday, February 15, 2015


There is a meme by Michael J. Fox stating, "If a child doesn't learn the way we teach, maybe we need to teach the way they learn."

I work at a high school that trains students to become Early Childhood Education teachers.  I appreciate how the teacher is training the student to accept children the way the are and develop lesson plays that meet the needs of the students instead of trying to shape students to meet the expectations of the teacher.  I drive 30 minutes one way so that I can work with this amazing teacher.  She is always looking for new information to share with students.  This is a recent web page that was shared about how to understand students that are struggling in school.  I looked at a few of the articles and I am intrigued by the ideas.  I wanted to share the link here.  Please feel free to share with others and I would be interested in your feed back as to what you think of the web page:

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