Monday, July 8, 2013

Plugging in

 Part of survival is cutting yourself off from the outside world.  Less input makes it possible to deal with the overwhelming events.  Once healing begins 'plugging in' to the world is a desirable step.  Ways to reconnect with living is through our senses.  I 'plug in' through my photography.  It allows me to focus in to one small sliver of time and only that one thing that I point my camera at.  There are other ways to 'plug in'.  Some people get away from their day to day routine to go hiking in nature.  Trish Fortune shares a simple way to plug in by walking barefoot outside in grass or mud or other ways to feel connected.

Introduction to Earthing.

Years ago the gorilla at our zoo was left alone.  The decision was to move him to another zoo with other gorillas.  He was raised in a concrete enclosure.  After his arrival at the new compound the young gorilla spent hours picking up the dirt and allowing it to run through his fingers.  He never seen dirt before.  He felt it, walked in it, and connected with his new environment.  I enjoy planting flowers and herbs.  Where I live in the desert this requires time watering.  This simple ritual of caring for the plants is soothing to me.  

Battle Buddy's understands the importance of a dog to help soldiers reconnect to the world.  Their mission is to provide service dogs to soldiers with PTSD.  If you have facebook, you can learn more about them at:
My sister shared her views of owning a horse.  She called him her 1000 lbs of therapy.
 Caring for plants and animals are avenues to healing.

 These may seem simple but the benefits can be huge.  In simplicity, we often find the greatest healing.


TR said...

I'm finding this to be true over the past year; DH and I have been spending more time disconnected - walks and hikes. It feels fabulous. I've seen the elephant photo I believe before - it's my favourite! xxoo

Ruth said...

Thanks for recognizing the photo. Yes I have used it before. I am out of town so recycling a few favorites.

Connecting to safe people does feel fabulous. :)

Ruth said...

Thanks for recognizing the photo. Yes I have used it before. I am out of town so recycling a few favorites.

Connecting to safe people does feel fabulous. :)