Sunday, January 16, 2011

Good/Bad emotions

Every once in a while I get the discouraging feeling that I am the only person in the world that fights depression, discouragement, fear, or just plain I can't do this any more.  Then I read what someone else is experiencing and think,"Oh silly me, I am just a member of the silent majority that won't talk about the 'bad' emotions."  Have you ever noticed that if you are depressed, discouraged, fearful, or angry people tell you that you are in a bad mood.  But if you are happy, excited, or cheerful you are in a good mood.  I experienced the wasteland of no emotion.  One person said wouldn't it be great if you could never be sad?  No, then you could never morn the passing of a loved one.   Wouldn't it be great if you never felt fear?  No, if your car was stuck on a train track and a freight train was coming you might not move fast enough to get out of the way.  Wouldn't it be great if you never felt anger?  No, when abuse happens you should feel anger towards the perpetrators.  I liked what my friend said, "Emotions are emotions, neither good or bad.  They just are."  
Emotions, to me, are what makes us human.  We can laugh, cry, shout, smile, scowl, and many other actions that express what we feel.  We can smile when talking to someone at a loved ones funeral.  We can feel sad at an exciting party.  There is this amazing array of feelings that can occur.  I have heard on the news the horrible things people have done because of their emotions.  Ads are played daily to appeal to people that want to alter their feelings of depression.  Counselors are kept busy because people are overwhelmed by their emotions.  Now that I feel emotions, I can understand wanting to make these pesky emotions behave the way I want them to.  
I am learning that emotions can be controlled and manipulated.  Advertisers make this their specialty.  News people work at getting across the emotion of a situation.  I do have the opinion that emotions do not justify hurting someone else.  I appreciate people sharing their emotions - good, bad, or indifferent, because I have a lot to learn and catch up.  I am in the midst of an emotional crisis but I can't help smiling and hoping you have a great day.  :)       
Emotions can run the gamut.  These are two posts I read this evening that got me thinking about what are bad emotions.  
From Simply Diane:
From Band Back Together:


mulderfan said...

Emotions cannot be denied and are unique to each individual.

You and I might have the exact same experience but will react to it with a completely different set of emotions. That is perfectly "normal" because we each have our own perception of the event and different life experiences preceding the event.

Neither one of us is "right" or "wrong"!

Ruth said...

Excellent points. Part of Dissociation is denying emotions and why it is so unhealthy and destructive.

Stacey Charter said...

What a great post! very interesting! Guess what? You've recieved an award... go to my blog to see! Congrats! xoxox

Ruth said...

I am honored to receive this award. Thanks.